Thrift Store
In response to frequent offers from our Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry users to provide us with some form of compensation for the food they received –reflective of a social value which assumes that to accept “charity” somehow diminishes one’s dignity- the Church discerned that it should create a ministry that could help people with some of their basic needs while upholding their dignity at the same time.
The result was our Thrift Store which allows low-income families to have access to clothing and household items either by paying a nominal fee, or for free, according to their need. The store also serves another important purpose, which is to put to a good use items that otherwise would end-up in landfills, helping, thus, to reduce the amount of waste that pollutes our environment. Such items are donated to us from people from all avenues of life, and we are always glad to accept donations. We prefer not to accept hard-to place and to dispose of articles such as computers, TV’s and the like.
Operated by our Women’s Guild, the store opens every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Please, contact Fr. Edgar if you want more information, or if you would like to make a donation. For monetary contributions, please write your checks to: St. Luke’s-San Lucas Episcopal Church For: Thrift Store.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic this ministry is currently closed. We hope to be able to re-open soon!